EDIT: Find some gorgeous versions by the stylish KIRSTY of Top Notch
by lovely ANDREA of Stitch Parade
and by sweet SONIA of La Pequeña Aprendiz
Arriba os dejo con otras preciosas versiones de unas costureras con estilo.
Pauline ya ha sacado su nuevo patrón AQUI y por segunda vez he tenido la suerte de ser su probadora.
Esta vez se trata de una blusa con todos los detallitos que os podais imaginar.
Es muy dulce, con el canesú con lorzas, la abertura polo, el cuello mao, su manga fruncida el en puño...y luego el bajo redondeado típico de las camisas de siempre, el detalle del botón y la trabilla para recoger la manga. Vamos que no le falta de nada.
Pauline´s latest pattern has been released HERE and for the second time I have the honour to be one of her testers.
This time around it is a very pretty blouse with all the little details you can imagine.
It is so sweet: the tucked bib, the polo neck opening, the gathered sleeve into the delicate cuffs and the placket to keep the sleeve up for a more casual look...Did I miss anything? Oh,yes! The curved hemline :)
Pauline´s latest pattern has been released HERE and for the second time I have the honour to be one of her testers.
This time around it is a very pretty blouse with all the little details you can imagine.
It is so sweet: the tucked bib, the polo neck opening, the gathered sleeve into the delicate cuffs and the placket to keep the sleeve up for a more casual look...Did I miss anything? Oh,yes! The curved hemline :)
Creo que es una camisa muy equilibrada. Yo pensaba que las blusas no eran lo mío. Sin embargo esta ya la he puesto un par de veces cada vez me siento mejor con ella.
I think this is a very balanced blouse... I thought blouses were not "my thing" until I made this up. I wore it a couple of times and I´m getting used to it.
I think this is a very balanced blouse... I thought blouses were not "my thing" until I made this up. I wore it a couple of times and I´m getting used to it.
Las instrucciones que incluye Pauline con el patrón son clarísimas y a mi me ha sorprendido muy gratamente lo fácil que resulta con su método hacer el cuello polo, los pliegues, la inserción del canesú. De verdad os lo recomiendo no solo por la blusa en sí, si no porque vais a aprender a hacer todas estas cosas de manera muy clara y sencilla.
De mi cosecha solo añadí las costuras francesas.
Y estoy bastante orgullosa de mis pespuntes. Estoy siguiendo un curso de CRAFTSY que se llama "40 tecnicas que toda costurera debería saber" de Gail Yellen. Y me está resultando muy util.
En una de mis locuras transitoria me apunté a tres clases más, ya os iré contando...
The instructions Pauline includes in the pattern are really clear and I was very surprised to see how easy it was to make the polo opening and the yoke insertion. I made those before but never found it as easy as per her instructions. The only thing I added were the french seams.
I´m very proud of my top stitching. I´m following this CRAFTSY class by Gail Yellen "40 techniques every sewer should know, and she gives very useful tips for topstitching and many other subjects.
I also enrolled in three more classes, but I´m going very, very slow (I take notes of everything!)
Como veis la blusa es preciosa y se puede alargar para hacer un vestido camisero para esta primavera... ¡Que tentaciones, Pauline!
Ya sabeis que si quereis haceros con este pieza clásica y bonita donde las haya os teneis que pasar por
As you can see the blouse is beautiful and can be elongated to create a spring shirt-dress. I´m so tempted!
So if you want to make this timeless and pretty piece, please visit
¡Que tengais un buen fin de semana!
Have a great weekend!
As you can see the blouse is beautiful and can be elongated to create a spring shirt-dress. I´m so tempted!
So if you want to make this timeless and pretty piece, please visit
¡Me ha enamorado! I´m in love!! |
Have a great weekend!